Boni de Jesus
Boni de Jesus
It was the year 2015 when we started The Market Project. Our mission was to help marketplace people, employees and entrepreneurs thrive in their workplace. During those times we had more questions than answers. Nevertheless, we followed the Lord's leading.
Jayson Lo who was helping us navigate a journey without any map told us that there will be a seminar by a guy named Dodong Cacanando who talks about marrying the Bible with business. Together with my wife, I attended the seminar where I heard Dodong liken our lives and our business to a seed that grows into a plant and bear fruit. We got very excited because we found somebody who can connect the gospel with what we are all involved in, our work.
I didn't waste time and invited Dodong to speak before The Market Project founders, members and invitees in Victory Greenhills. When I heard Dodong speak, the creation part of the book of Genesis and Deut 8.18 became alive in me. I have read them before, but this time, they had a deeper meaning that made it clear to me that God willed every person on earth to thrive and the gospel is the answer.
That was 8 years ago. Today, I am confident about God's purpose for me in the marketplace. My business which before seemed to be just a way for me to prosper, became my platform for God's goodness to be manifested to people. This truth impacted me. If we cannot connect the gospel to our work life, then we will be missing the grace of God in most of our life..
Dodong's teaching connects our work life with the Author of work, God Himself. That is how we experience the powerful grace of God in the marketplace. And that is how we demonstrate the power of the gospel in our workplace where we spend most of our time, visible to many people.
Rex Ma. A. Mendoza
Rex Mendoza
I've had the rare privilege of sharing the speaking stage with Dodong Cacanando a number of times. I heard raves about the person, but those soon turned into understatements as I listened to him and saw him in action. He presents his concepts, principles and experiences in simple and easily understood terms. He connects in such a solid manner that lessons picked up and learned can easily be applied not just in business, but in life in general. The manner by which he weaves spirituality into his message makes his audience immediately discern his alignment with God, His purpose, and His way.
This said, my respect for the man further intensified as I traveled with him and saw him in casual, everyday real life situations. He is the same person onstage, and he puts his words into action on a day to day basis. He meekly presents himself as the lowly probinsiyano, but he has far greater depth, acumen, and wisdom than some CEOs and entrepreneurs I've met. His humility and spirituality wield awesome influence. This person, who I now consider a true friend, has such great impact on me and my beliefs, and solidifies my commitment to the values I choose to live by in my life.
He is indeed a blessing to me, my family, and many other people whose lives he has touched.
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