Creating Wealth And Managing Finances

Creating Wealth and Managing Finances present a better way of creating wealth. The Bible says there is an “ancient path” that leads to peace and prosperity. The word ancient does not mean old, but eternal; it was true in the past, today, and will be valid in the future. The principles here complement those in the Keepers of His Garden book.


Breakthrough Principles for Life and Business

In Keepers of His Garden, I shared the fundamental business principles we use in our farm and in all the businesses I go into. I wrote this because God told me that the things I know are things I should not keep but share, so others may benefit from them as well. I wish to show people a better way of living their lives and doing business.


A Man's Journey to Fruitfulness

Breaking Through is the story of our journey from Manila to Bukidnon. It explains the most important principles we learned in life. It will help people discern God’s leading and teach them how to make decisions and the right choices in life. It aims to teach people how to experience a breakthrough in their life and businesses.


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